

Vilnius IFF is adapting to the latest measures enacted by the Lithuanian government to combat the spread of coronavirus, including the cancellation of all public events. The festival will take place March 19–April 2 as scheduled, with more than half of its programme moving to streaming platforms, making Vilnius IFF the first digital festival in Lithuania.

“When we announced that the 25th edition of Vilnius IFF will look to the future and its numerous scenarios, we could not have predicted the one that came to pass. Our team is doing everything to bring festivalgoers the event they’ve been waiting for all year, only this time, we invite them to join us online. We feel positive that our creative solutions will make this edition another success, and wholeheartedly thank filmmakers, sales agents and distributors for granting us online access to their work in place of physical screenings at such short notice,” said Algirdas Ramaška, CEO of Vilnius IFF.

There is also good news for the contenders of the European Debut and Short Competitions. Jury members will still judge the selected films online and award winners. Furthermore, organizers plan to hold virtual conversations with filmmakers whose visits had to be cancelled.

For two weeks, Lithuanian viewers will be able to access the festival’s most anticipated films such as “Parasite”, “Portrait of a Lady on Fire”, “The Truth”, “Corpus Christi”, the opening film “Proxima”, closing title “Mathias & Maxime”, Lithuanian short film premieres and many more online. This isn’t the festival’s first foray into streaming, which had already been offered as an alternative during previous editions of Vilnius IFF.

Organizers also promise to play some of the films in movie theatres once the threat of coronavirus has passed. Special screenings planned in the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre will be rescheduled for mid-May.

About the festival:

The 25th Vilnius International Film Festival Kino Pavasaris will take place March 19–April 2, 2020. Last year’s festival was visited by 126 542 filmgoers, making it the largest cinema event in Lithuania and one of the most notable film festivals in Eastern Europe. Šiemet festivalį namuose kuriantis „Kino pavasaris“ visos Lietuvos žiūrovus kviečia drauge atidaryti jubiliejinį renginį. Kovo 19 dieną 19.00 valandą „Kino pavasario“ feisbuko paskyroje bus galima stebėti virtualiąją atidarymo ceremoniją, kurioje dalyvaus ne tik festivalio komanda, bet ir šalies kultūros bei meno pasaulio žmonės. Po šios transliacijos pirmą kartą festivalio istorijoje atidarymo filmą vienu metu galės žiūrėti visi Lietuvos žiūrovai, pasirinktoje namų kino platformoje išsinuomavę prancūzų režisierės Alice Winocour dramą „Proksima“.

Raginame žmones pasidaryti šventę namuose, įsiamžinti, o savo nuotraukomis pasidalyti socialiniuose tinkluose su žymėmis #festivalisnamuose ir #kinopavasaris2020.

Festivalis vyks kovo 19–balandžio 2 dienomis, tik kitu formatu. Visos Lietuvos žiūrovai filmais mėgautis galės namų kino platformose ir taip dalyvauti pirmajame šalyje virtualiajame kino festivalyje.

Dvi savaites bus galima legaliai mėgautis laukiamiausiais šių metų „Kino pavasario“ filmais net keturiose platformose: naujos kartos televizijos TELIA TV filmų nuomoje, internetinėje namų kino platformoje „ŽMONĖS Cinema“, „TV3 Grupės“ turinio platformoje „Go3“, „Cgates“ SUMANIOS TV „Kino klube“ ir kino platformoje „Kinofondas“.

Daugiau informacijos skaitykite čia.

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